Agricultural Land for Sale - Where Is It Best To Purchase?

Agricultural Land for Sale - Where Is It Best To Purchase?

Agricultural Land for Sale - Where Is It Best To Purchase?
You know that farming takes a lot of passion and determination to find success. One of the biggest challenges is finding land to buy, and understanding the local demand and laws that may result in the success or failure of the land.

For a farm to be a success, the land must have the following:

* Affordability
* Market for the product
* Rich soil
* Proper precipitation

Agricultural land requires abundance and a large expenditure in most cases. Many of the top states to find this land are not what you would initially consider.


The beautiful state of Vermont offers the perfect opportunity for agriculture. Many of the residents can be seen going to one of the over 245 farmers markets every week, and there are also several state programs that are beneficial.

First, the price per acre of land in the state is just $100 below average at $2,800. And, you’ll find that the state does offer the opportunity to get started with ease. Two of the state’s most impressive programs include:

Intervale Farms Program: A low cost option to lease equipment, land and greenhouses for farming.

Apprentice and Farm Worker Program: An initiative that aims to help farmers get started in the state.


The state of Nebraska is known for their high corn production. This is a great state for anyone that wants to own a small parcel of land. Why? There are a lot of programs and support for small-scale production in the state.
The Department of Agriculture in the state offers a Nebraska Beginning Farmer Tax Credit. This is a program that offers a three-year land lease and will also provide a $500 reimbursement to help farmers get started. Even if you plan to lease your land to a farmer, you’ll receive the tax credit.

There are several programs available to help support new farmers and provide training to help you make the most out of your land. And, there are 110+ farmers markets where you can sell your goods. Nebraska is one of the top 20 states where you’ll find the largest number of persons having access to farm-fresh foods.


One of the most expensive states in the country to live is also home to over 80,500 farms. The perfect climate and a variety of crop and livestock options pushes the state’s agricultural land to $7,300 per acre. According to the California Department of Agriculture, the state produces almost half of all of the following items in the country:

* Fruits
* Nuts
* Vegetables

There is also what’s known as the Urban Agriculture Incentive Zone Act, which was passed in 2013. This act reduces property taxes in an effort to turn private and vacant land into land that’s used for farming. A matched savings account program is also offered, which will allow land owners to build and expand their farms.

New York

Most people think of New York as a state with just a bustling city, but it’s also a state with a lot of farmland. There are over 700 urban farms within the state’s five boroughs, and a lot of land in the northern region with more-than-ample availability.

In fact, the state has 7 million acres of farmland in total. And, you’ll be surprised that farmland in the state is priced at $2,600 an acre on average. The Hudson Valley is a hotspot for farming, and the Hudson Valley Farm Hub will even provide training to help with agriculture sustainability. The hub will also help you find affordable land and funding options. A state with nearly 20 million people, New York has over 640 farmers markets with ample ability to sell produce and land.

New Mexico

You might not think of New Mexico as a top place in the country for farmland, but if you want affordable land, this is the state to consider. First and foremost, the biggest draw of the state is that the price per acre of farmland is just $550 per acre. For anyone just investing in land at the moment, this price is dirt cheap.

But, there are also considerations that need to be made. You’ll need to find land in areas where precipitation is more likely because New Mexico does have a desert climate. Drought is naturally an issue in some areas. However, there are 108 farmers markets in the area and a lot of programs to help you make use of your land.

New Mexico’s Farmer-to-Farmer Training Program provides support, training and mentorship to anyone looking to farm in the state. There are also several rancher and farmer programs to help you make the most out of your investment.

Common Choices for Farming

Many of the states on our list were picked based on affordability, sale opportunity and potential. However, there are also several states that didn’t make the list, but are known for farming:

* Maine
* New Hampshire
* Iowa
* Montana
* Oregon
* Wyoming
* Kentucky
* Virginia

When you go to buy your agricultural land, there are a lot of key points that you’ll want to consider aside from the metrics we listed previously.

One of the major considerations is the quality of the soil. You need to know what can grow in the region and what the state of the current soil is at this moment in time. Even farms that once produced well may have underwent soil degradation.

Poor soil will require a massive investment to get the soil up to midgrade or premium land. The best way to determine if the soil is able to produce is to have a soil test done. When a soil test has been conducted, you’ll be able to tell what work and nutrients the land will need if you plan on producing on it. If you’re an investor, you still want fertile land that doesn’t need much work if you want to sell it at a premium price.

You’ll also want to look at land that has been reclaimed, and determine if it’s possible to turn the land back to a proper state for farming and the work that will be needed in the process.

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