1000 Sq. Ft. for Sale in Benld, Illinois
Property Details
Property Description
Total market value $8,262
Nearby schools include Benld Elementary School, Gillespie Middle School and Gillespie High School.
According County Class Description: Residential with Buildings.
This property may have outstanding back taxes, code violations, and/or liens. It is the buyer's responsibility to research the title prior to buy a property. As-is quitclaim deed sale. Buyer should research the property and any back taxes and liens. We didn't see the property, please visit the site before submitting a processing fee. property sold as is via quit claim deed Please verify all information with the county. Property will be sold AS IS via Quit Claim Deed.
Deed type - Quit Claim Deed
207 S 5TH BENLD, IL 62009
Parcel # 03-001-631-00
Legal Description: LOT 7 BLK 54 O P BENLD 50 X 120
Lot size - 0.14
Taxes: 672.66
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The information within this listing is posted by a private or third-party seller, and we do not guarantee the accuracy of the information enclosed. We encourage you always to verify ownership and property details listed. As a precaution, due diligence in any real estate transaction is encouraged, and closing through a verified title company is advised. To the maximum extent permitted by law, we do not accept any responsibility to any person for the accuracy of the information herein.