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0.25 Acres for Sale in San Luis, Colorado

0.25 Acres for Sale in San Luis, Colorado


GreenBridge Holdings, LLC

GreenBridge Holdings, LLC

GreenBridge Holdings, LLC

0 Reviews

Property Details

Property Description

Propane gas service is available through several companies located in nearby towns. The rural electric association has a San Luis Valley branch providing electrical power to outlying areas, and property owners may obtain their own extensions depending upon location. It is also possible to install a privately-owned generator. Sewer by private septic tanks There are no public sewer facilities. Water by Individual wells... Cellphone is available... We listed ALL Country Department Links, Please contact them for more details....

GPS Coordinates presented here are based upon the best date we have accumulated, but are not exact. The information is for the purpose of locating your property only. Prior to building a fence or any structure on your land, you should contact a Colorado licensed surveyor to mark the exact corners of your property.

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The information within this listing is posted by a private or third-party seller, and we do not guarantee the accuracy of the information enclosed. We encourage you always to verify ownership and property details listed. As a precaution, due diligence in any real estate transaction is encouraged, and closing through a verified title company is advised. To the maximum extent permitted by law, we do not accept any responsibility to any person for the accuracy of the information herein.

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