
5.3 Acres for Sale in Mesita, Colorado

5.3 Acres for Sale in Mesita, Colorado


Lloyd Ippolito

Lloyd Ippolito

Lloyd Ippolito

By Owner
0 Reviews

Property Details

Property Description

Improve your quality of life now by purchasing this secluded gem in Colorado. This amazing 5.3-acre property offers an excellent year-round climate, scenic vistas, and endless adventurous activities. Experience the perfect blend of style and serenity in this earthly haven. Ideal for anyone seeking a retreat from city life, this property promises a tranquil escape.

Why Choose This Property?

  • Secluded Serenity: Escape the hustle and bustle of city life and enjoy peace and quiet.
  • Scenic Vistas: Stunning views and picturesque landscapes all year round.
  • Adventure Awaits: Endless opportunities for outdoor activities and family fun.

Local Attractions:

  • Cole Park: Schedule some family fun and enjoy the flora and fauna of this beautiful area.
  • Fort Garland Museum and Cultural Center: Just 32 minutes away, this museum offers a rich glimpse into local history with exhibits and artifacts.

Property Highlights:

  • Size: Spacious 5.3 acres providing ample room for your dream home or retreat.
  • Location: Nestled in a serene area of Colorado, perfect for nature lovers and adventurers.
  • Lifestyle Upgrade: A unique opportunity to live in style and tranquility.

Act Now!

Don't miss out on this chance to own a piece of paradise in Colorado. The endless possibilities of this beautiful county are waiting to be uncovered. Send me a message now and let's make this dream a reality!

Contact me today for more information and to seal the deal!


Parcel number: 71553930

County: Costilla

State: CO

GPS Coordinates:

37.155667, -105.628825 NW;

37.155681, -105.627700 NE;

37.153956, -105.626786 SE;

37.153628, -105.627806 SW

Price: $6,500.00 cash 

Down Payment: $250

Monthly Payment: $170 for 65 months

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The information within this listing is posted by a private or third-party seller, and we do not guarantee the accuracy of the information enclosed. We encourage you always to verify ownership and property details listed. As a precaution, due diligence in any real estate transaction is encouraged, and closing through a verified title company is advised. To the maximum extent permitted by law, we do not accept any responsibility to any person for the accuracy of the information herein.

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