0.55 Acres for Sale in Wausau, Florida
Property Details
Property Description
Imagine a retirement filled with serene mornings and splendid sunsets, in a community designed to enhance every moment of your golden years. Located in the beautiful Sunny Hills subdivision of Chipley, FL, this expansive 0.55-acre residential land awaits your vision of the perfect home. With a requirement for site-built homes and a generous ground floor area minimum of 650 sq. ft., your future residence promises both elegance and comfort.
This parcel is more than just land; it's a gateway to a life of fulfillment and peace. The Sunny Hills community is meticulously planned with paved roads, ensuring easy access and mobility. As a hotspot for retirees and snowbirds alike, it offers a harmonious blend of laid-back lifestyle and vibrant community activities.
Owner Financing Available: $300 down $250/mo for 78 months
STREET ADDRESS: N/A, near Greenbrier Dr, Chipley, FL 32428
COUNTY: Washington County, FL
ZIP: 32428
SIZE: 0.55 acres
LOT DIMENSIONS: 304 feet x 83 feet
APN: 08-0504-0006
LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 6, Block 504 of Sunny Hills Unit Eight, a subdivision according to the Plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 2, Page 88-101of the public records of Washington County, Florida.
GOOGLE MAPS LINK: https://maps.app.goo.gl/KaUwsG6vU329b26V9
NW: 30.595021, -85.563103
NE: 30.595061, -85.562852
SW: 30.594206, -85.562923
SE: 30.594248, -85.562673
ELEVATION: 267 feet
ANNUAL TAXES: Approx. $135 per year
ZONING: The county does not have “zoning”. Washington County does not have zoning districts. The Future Land Use Map category of the property is Sunny Hills Mixed Use. - Each and every lot located in Sunny Hills Unit 8 shall be known and described as Residential Lots. No structure shall be constructed or erected on any residential lots other than one detached single-Family dwelling not to exceed two stories in height and a one or 2-car garage or carport.This lot should have a minimum ground floor area of 650 sq. ft.No lot shall be divided or resubdivided unless both partions of the said lots be used to increase the size of an adjacent lot or adjacent lots as platted. The County allows temporary RV use while building a home with a signed affidavit, which is associated with an approved building permit application, but Sunny Hills does not allow. The County allows Mobile homes, but the deed restrictions of Sunny Hills do not allow. As per the deed restriction, no trailer, basement, tent, shack, garage, barn, or other outbuilding erected on any lot shall at any time be used as a residence, temporary or permanently, nor shall any residence of a temporary character be permitted. This property is within Sunny Hills Civic Association, Inc., a Florida nonprofit corporation. Membership Dues are $10.00 per member for ages 18 and older.For more information, please contact Washington County FL Planning and Zoning at phone no. (850) 415-5093 or call the Deltona Corporation at phone no. (850)260-0996 Setbacks: No building shall be erected on any lots nearer than 25 feet to the front lines of said lot except that on the corner lots no structure shall be permitted nearer than 25 feet to the front line of said corner lot (The front line shall be the street lot line having the least dimension); nor nearer than 15 feet to the side street line when the front line of the structure is placed facing the front line, however, if the front of the said structure is placed facing more toward the side street lot line, then it shall not be permitted nearer than 25 feet both street lot lines; nor nearer than 8 feet to any interior side lot line; nor nearer than 25 feet to the rear lot line (the rear lot line being the opposite and most distant from the front lot line).
Time Limit to Build: no time limit to build
Site Built Homes Allowed: Yes, 650sqft minimum
Modular Homes Allowed: No
Manufactured Homes Allowed: No
Mobile Homes Allowed: No
Tiny Homes Allowed: No
Full-Time RV Living: No
RV on the property while you build: No
Camping in a RV: No
Tent Camping: No
HOA/POA: There is no HOA on the property but has a deed restrictions.
ACCESS: The property cna be accessed via Greenbrier Dr.
WATER: Based on the deed restriction:No individual well will be permitted on any lot or tract within the subdivision except for irrigation, sprinkler systems, swimming pools, or air conditioning. This restriction shall be enforced so long as a water utility system is operated to the satisfaction of the State Board of Health.Notes from the county P&Z:Well allowable if there is no service and you would hire a well driller. The well driller would secure the permit on your behalf from the Northwest Florida Water Management District.
SEWER: It would be by Septic. Should contact the local health department at 850-638-6240 for the state permit through the Florida Department of Environmental Protection.
UTILITIES: There is power in the area. Power could also be by solar, wind or generator, Phone by cellular, satellite TV/Internet/Phone
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The information within this listing is posted by a private or third-party seller, and we do not guarantee the accuracy of the information enclosed. We encourage you always to verify ownership and property details listed. As a precaution, due diligence in any real estate transaction is encouraged, and closing through a verified title company is advised. To the maximum extent permitted by law, we do not accept any responsibility to any person for the accuracy of the information herein.