
20 Acres for Sale in Adobes, Texas

20 Acres for Sale in Adobes, Texas


Lloyd Ippolito

Lloyd Ippolito

Lloyd Ippolito

By Owner
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Property Details

Property Description

Imagine being the owner of 20 acres of land. Your possibilities would be endless! This doesn’t have to be a dream; we can make it your reality. With this vast land found in Presidio, TX, you can turn your wildest dream into a grand masterpiece. This 20-acre parcel offers ample space for all your aspirations—whether you’re envisioning a private homestead, a hobby farm, or an outdoor recreational haven. Presidio is renowned for its friendly community, breathtaking landscapes, and rich cultural heritage, making it the perfect place to call home. And to top it off, living on Emma Ave means you’re never far from some of Texas’s most intriguing attractions. Take a quick drive to Prada Marfa and enjoy captivating art. Even more interesting is the fact that rural land is increasingly becoming a coveted investment. Why not take advantage of a long-term investment. It’s time to embrace a lifestyle that balances rural tranquility with the excitement of nearby attractions and amenities. Seize the chance to own a piece of Texan paradise! Your dream land awaits!

Property Details

County: Presidio

State:  TX

Size: 20 Acre 

Property Address: Emma Ave, Presidio, Texas

APN: W/2 SW/4 SE/4


Center: 29.731831, -104.426831

NW: 29.731831, -104.426831 

NE: 29.731839, -104.424553

SE: 29.728394, -104.424678

SW:  29.728428, -104.426767

Google Map Link: https://maps.app.goo.gl/sFiZD9vcvkmJLiBd7

Payment Info

Cash Price: $35,810.00

Owner Financing Terms: $288 monthly for 120 months

Down Payment: $1,250

Doc Fee: $199

County Info

Zoning: Rural Land

Camping: No

RVs: No

Mobile Home: No

Water: Dig a well

Sewer/Septic: Septic

Electric: Ran

Gas: Ran

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The information within this listing is posted by a private or third-party seller, and we do not guarantee the accuracy of the information enclosed. We encourage you always to verify ownership and property details listed. As a precaution, due diligence in any real estate transaction is encouraged, and closing through a verified title company is advised. To the maximum extent permitted by law, we do not accept any responsibility to any person for the accuracy of the information herein.

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