10.39 Acres for Sale in Moneta, VA
Property Details
Property Description
10.39 Acres
for Sale in
Bedford County Virginia
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Special ad notes: This property has public water, but not public sewer, it would need a septic. There is electric available at the property line as well.
Here is a video link with directions:
The highest and best use for this property is to build on, and/ or develop and subdivide it, this property is easily subdividable, with the planned residential development zone that it is in.
The property is a short, 5 minute drive from smith mountain lake!
Recent survey available upon request.
The County assessed value for this property is $363,700, making this a STEAL!
Address: MONETA RD MONETA, VA 24121
Cash Discount Price: $164,900.00 (Unfortunately we cannot offer owner financing on this property.)
*There is a $1000 deposit required with all purchases. $500 is a non refundable transaction fee and the remaining $500 would be applied to the purchase price at time of closing.
County: Bedford
Acres: 10.39 Acres (Raw Land)
Access information: It has road frontage.
Coordinates: 37.1707151558056 -79.6334308791749
Parcel #: 90506046
Yearly Estimated Taxes: $1819
Elevation: 968 FT
Property Dimensions: L-970FT; W-685FT
County Planning and zoning phone #: Planning & Community Development 540-587-6021
Link to zoning info on county website: https://www.bedfordva.gov/159/Planning-Community-Development
Does this property have an HOA?: No
Elementary school: MONETA ELEMENTARY
Phone # for electric company: Bedford Electric Department - 540-587-6071
Legal Description: LOT 1 PB 44/278
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Disclaimers: This property is being sold “as is”. We do our best to collect accurate information, but we cannot guarantee that any of the information in this ad is correct, we recommend each buyer do their own research. We do our best to get pictures of the actual property, but they may not be of the property we are advertising. This Property is being sold “as is”, the information we have listed in this ad may or may not be correct, but it is what we found when we researched this property. Please talk to a surveyor if you wish to verify the size of the property, the property may not be the size we have listed in the ad, we are just relaying the information the county has on the property. Under no circumstances do we ever do refunds on any property, it is the buyers responsibility to do their own due diligence before buying.
VA-Bedford-10.39 -GSA-2022
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The information within this listing is posted by a private or third-party seller, and we do not guarantee the accuracy of the information enclosed. We encourage you always to verify ownership and property details listed. As a precaution, due diligence in any real estate transaction is encouraged, and closing through a verified title company is advised. To the maximum extent permitted by law, we do not accept any responsibility to any person for the accuracy of the information herein.